Collection: Digiflavor Pilgrim GTA

Digiflavour builds a pilgrim. The Pilgrim GTA, a self-winding evaporator which, despite the designation GTA, could better be described as RDTA (Rebuildable Drip Tank Atomizer). A typical Top Coiler, which can also be used as a dripper for liquid tasting. The PEI DripTip is firmly built and very comfortable on the lips. Included is a separate Wide Bore TopCap which is compatible with all 810 DripTips (Goon-Style DripTips), also included is a 510 adapter that can be used with any favorite DripTip with 510 connection. More choice is not possible, an absolute plus. The tank is also made of PEI, which creates on the one hand a great look and second, so despite "plastic" tank and mentholhaltige liquids are evaporated without concern for the tank.