World Vape Day 2021 Just Days Away

It’s World Vape Day 2021 in a few days time and it’s become a major event since its inception back in 2012.

May 30th is now set in stone as the day the world celebrates vaping, and falls a day before the none event that is the World Health Organization’s World No Tobacco Day.

world vape day 2021 go the extra mile

Given the WHO’s anti-vaping stance, I like the synergy lol.

OK, so the World Vape Day is of course a celebration of all things vape and this year the world really has got behind it.

This year’s theme is ‘Go the Extra Mile‘ – more on that in a moment.

There’s major events planned across the continents with everything joining up across all social media platforms.

You can find out what’s happening in your area by visiting the World Vape Day 2021 website, but here’s just a few:

  • Thailand: live casts and more
  • India: All day events and the main focus on Twitter and social campaigns
  • Latin America: Vape Fest held on YouTube
  • Philippines: Vapers Philippines is asking vapers to share their transition stories in 60 second videos

The whole event will be coordinated on the World Vapers Alliance Facebook page and a live event will be across social media and its YouTube channel.

world vape day 2021

It looks like a cracking live show, with a truly extraordinary cast of speakers lined up including, GrimmGreen, Michelle Minton and Clive Bates to name just three.

World Vape Day 2021 – Go the Extra Mile
I mentioned recently how the improvement in my lung health has meant I can now tackle some extremely steep hills on my hikes, without feeling like my chest is about to burst.

And we can all show how vaping has improved not only our lungs, but overall health, by joining in on social media.

Vape Ban Leads To More Teen Smokers…

San Francisco was the first city to bring in a total ban on all things vape, and 3 years on the consequences are dire to say the least.

I’ve covered this issue since it first reared its ugly head over 3 years ago, and like many forecast a rise in smokers.

teen smoking rates rise in san Francisco

Unfortunately the facts have emerged that it is TEENS that are taking up the deadly habit in their droves.

As we keep saying, remove the safer alternative, and the gap WILL be filled by lit tobacco and all the health concerns and death that brings….

Shame on them…

A new study shows that teens in San Francisco are TWICE as like to become smokers than in any other city in the US – in real terms that’s 6.2% of all high schoolers compared to 2.8% elsewhere.

Crazy times indeed.

We’ll keep you informed on this developing story.

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