The Vape Summit 2022

Given the milestone year, this year’s Summit will explore how the evidence and subsequent discussions on vaping products and tobacco harm reduction have evolved over this decade. The event will look into which questions remain unanswered and which issues have been resolved.

The aim of the Vape Summit is facilitating dialogue and holding a safe space for discussions and analysis from global experts. The hope is that these can be translated into effective plans and strategies that can help reduce smoking-related disease and morbidity.

One of the main topics tackled by last year’s summit, was the fact that the US seems to have adopted the opposite approach to tobacco harm reduction. “In the U.S., the government has either been mum on smokers switching to Vape or nicotine patches and heated tobacco products, or they’ve been hostile towards such switching,” said Michelle Minton, Senior Fellow at Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI).

“Once you get outside of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the information trickled down to lawmakers, to a lot of journalists, to public health advocates, is this message that switching isn’t quitting, that e-cigs are no less harmful than smoking, which is absurd.”

The participants can join online or attend in person

The London Summit will be a hybrid event so that interested parties may join in person, watch the live stream or catching up later on-demand.  “All Summit participants will have access to the event app where they can view the Speaker slides and follow the active chat/discussion. We will “live stream” the Summit as per the Agenda (UK GMT) Individual videos of speaker presentations and the panel discussions will be added to the virtual platform within 24 hours of the live event for you to watch/re-watch later. The app will be live for 3 months after the event,” explained the Summit website.


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