About The Tobacco Control Review & More Vape News!

The UK Government in its “Levelling Up” campaign to review the current Tobacco Control situation.

Head of the Tobacco Control review is Javed Khan OBE who is the former head of the charity Barnardos.

I am so far really happy to report he is taking this review seriously and is even reaching out to people on Social Media to collect their opinions…

Below is a Twitter thread he started – if you see it make sure to reply and help shape the future tobacco control policies – you can also click on the tweet below!

I like how he is asking all the right questions and even sharing tweets from other Harm Reduction accounts such as New Nicotine Alliance (NNAlliance), ASH and even his main man Sajid Javid (Secretary of State for Health and Social Care).

If you are on Twitter please give him a follow at JavedKhanCEO and get involved – it can only be a good thing surely!

If you are not on Twitter his email address is shown in the first Tweet so again please let him know your thoughts – I will be!

To read the press release regarding the “Levelling Up” reviews visit the Gov.UK Website – Government Launches Landmark Reviews To Tackle Health Disparities.

Europe Wising Up To Vaping…
Well well well – I know we are not strictly in the EU now but it is still lovely to see that the EU Parliament has voted to adopt “Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan“.

The report was compiled by the Special Committee on Beating Cancer (BECA) and was adopted by an overwhelming majority of 652 in favour, 15 against and 27 abstentions.

The BECA was set up in September 2020 and includes 63 MEPs, 33 Full Members and 30 Substitutes.

Included in this group is Deirdre Clune – representing the Fine Gael Party (Ireland) but sadly no UK representation – which is kind of expected really.

The vote took place on 16th February 2022 and it appears that Vaping has been highlighted as a potential stop smoking tool at last!

ETHRA reported this development on their website – EU Recognises Tobacco Harm Reduction With The BECA Report.

So still a long way to go but great to see EU Vapers are being considered and listened to – and hopefully this will pave the way to Vaping being more accepted outside of the UK!

Cash Up For Grabs… But There Is A Catch…
Recently (January 2022) Charles A Gardner PHD who is the General Secretariat of INNCO (International Network of Nicotine Consumer Organisations) and all round vape advocate started a Twitter campaign.

The cash offer started at $100…

As time went by other followers added to the cash pledge which now stands at $2,652.20 for anyone who can provide proof of a single verified human death caused by nicotine vaping in the past 20 years.

Source: https://www.ecigclick.co.uk/tobacco-control-review-2022/

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