7 Vaping Questions

Vaping appears to be constantly in the news – most of it fake and sensationalist painting e-cigarettes in a terrible light.

Established vapers can simply shrug off yet another alarmist article or study – but what about smokers thinking about making the switch to vaping?

To say they are probably confused at the conflicting evidence is an understatement.

Recent surveys, studies and reporting casts vaping as downright dangerous to health, and the public’s perception of e-cigarettes as a safe harm reduction option has taken a bit of a pasting, particularly in the USA where a staggering 87.5% of the public believe vaping is more dangerous than smoking!

1. Is Vaping Bad For You?
The mother of ALL commonly asked vaping questions and it’s a question that should indeed be asked. Is vaping bad for you? No doubt you’ve been bombarded with scare stories in the media – so what’s the real truth?

Nothing is 100% safe, however there is a wide and growing consensus from a number of weighty medical professions and organisations that vaping is indeed at least 95% safer than smoking.

2. Is Nicotine Dangerous?

Another often asked question about vaping.

There’s a widespread misconception that nicotine causes cancer – quite simply that is blatantly untrue.

Sure nicotine is addictive, however, it is closely aligned with the caffeine you find in coffee – which many say they are addicted to!

Used correctly nicotine is a relatively harmless drug and let’s face it, if it was so bad – then why is it perfectly acceptable in patches – gums and sprays?

3. What Exactly Is In E-liquids?
Another of those often asked questions that includes the myths that e-liquids contain anti-freeze and even embalming fluid.

OK, your average bottle of e-liquid bought from a reputable source contains: Propylene Glycol – Vegetable Gylcerin – Nicotine and Flavourings.

1. PG can be found as the base for among other items asthma inhalers.
2. Naturally made from plant oils and found in many things including cough medicines.
3. Nicotine as we’ve already found is is none carcinogenic and relatively harmless.
4. Flavourings – all food safe.

4. Why So Many Calls For E-Liquid Flavour Bans?

The plain fact is – there is NO teen vaping epidemic here in the UK or the US – the ‘numbers’ have just been massaged in an attempt to prove there is!

Simply put they asked kids if they’d vaped in the last 30 days and NOT if they were regular vapers. Most kids had said sure they’d tried but not continued to vape – sneaky massaging of the numbers or what!

5. Is Secondhand Vapour From E-cigarettes Dangerous?
A resounding NO is the simple answer!

6. Is Vaping Illegal Indoors Within Public Spaces?
This is one of those grey areas and depends on a mixture of country and local bylaws.

7. Is Vaping Dangerous When Pregnant?

Send Us Your Questions About Vaping
I’ve just concentrated on 7 of the most commonly asked vaping questions and of course there are so very many more.

If you have a burning question please do ask it in the comments below.

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